As I've mentioned before, many dishes in my family are named after the person who made it. I never thought about this fact until my sister-in-law joined our family, but it's pretty obvious after it has been pointed out. Case in point, Anne's brownies.
Anne is my aunt and a pretty fabulous cook. I have no idea where she originally got this recipe, but it's pretty similar to
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Chocolate Chip Cookies
This recipe first appeared in my April newsletter.
I'm pretty well known for my chocolate chip cookies. When asked for a recipe, I often tell people it's simply from the back of the Nestle's bag. When I thought about it, however, I realized I did stray from the directions a bit, and it makes all the difference. So here, my friends, I'm sharing my secrets with you.
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Chicken Divan
Food is a pretty big deal in my family. We have traditions around food, many dishes are named after the person who cooked it, and there are stories associated with many of our favorites. When I sat down to think about what I wanted this blog to be, I knew it had to have recipes on it. Since I began this as a writing blog, they simply had to be here.
See, food works its way
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Welcome! I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am to get this blog, this website, off the ground. I’m a middle school teacher by day, reader by night. Back in 2018 I was looking for something new to stretch my brain cells. I’ve been doing a lot of nonfiction writing over the years, reflecting and sharing my thoughts on teaching. A friend suggested I try my hand at
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